The 1997 National Model United Nations
Die Delegation 1997
Lisa McDonald
Gregor Ptok
Plenary Committee:
Sarah Schöll
First Committee:
Elisabeth Feudner
Christian F. Haacke
Third Committee:
Sixth Committee:
Gregor Ptok
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific:
World Trade Organization
Nils Honold
Juha Villanan
Association of South East Asian Nation:
Steffen Andreae
Plenary Committee:
Klaus Irion
First Committee:
Janne Hirsto
Third Committee:
Raoul Rehnert
Sixth Committee:
Daniel H. Sharma
Steffen Andreae
Commission on Human Rights:
(zur Zeit nicht besetzt)
Organisation of African Unity:
Barbara Schacke
Commission on Social Development:
Anja Misselbeck
Fabien Stephan
Monika Link
Ute Berkenhoff
Anregungen, Infos und Kritik bitte an: NMUN-Projekt(
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Last modified: Fri Feb 21 15:57:02 MET